March 25, 2011

Diamonds + Coals - Cooking For One and Happy Reunions

Cooking is not my forte, and never has been.  I can bake some delicious desserts, but when it comes to basic sustenance, I'm not what you'd call talented.  Fortunately, I have Josh, who is excellent at grocery shopping (I'm pretty pitiful at that, too!) and makes delicious, healthy meals for us.  Unfortunately, he was out of town on other business most of this week, and I had to fend for myself in the kitchen.  Rather than resort to my usual MO when cooking for one (I hold that both popcorn and ice cream can be the sole constituents of dinner), I decided to live it up and go grocery shopping.  I'm pleased to say that I managed to make three delicious meals that did not come primarily from the frozen aisle, and were nutritious and delicious.  Go me.

I am, however, totally relieved to have Josh back at home now, and not just because of the cooking.  When he's away, our house seems big and lonely, and I miss our conversations, hugs and snuggling up to watch our TV shows together.  Part of my heart goes with him whenever he travels without me, and even though we had a long-distance relationship for five long years, it just doesn't get any easier with time.  So, hooray for happy reunions and being with your loved ones!

Diamonds to...
- Being reunited with the ones you love, even if it is only after a few days apart.
- Triumphing over your lack of kitchen skills.  I still wonder how I survived living by myself all those years ago, though I'm pretty sure I could have been the poster child for Campbell's soup.

Coals to...
- Lonely, rainy days.  Rainy days are great for curling up on a chair and reading, and for some great stormy sky photos, but it's always nicer when someone else is around to share it with.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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