June 23, 2011

Shoot First, Focus Later

Every morning, Josh reads the New York Times online, and sends me links to interesting articles.  It's a pretty sweet deal in that he basically creates a customized newspaper just for me, and I love it.  Yesterday's find was an article about a new camera from a start-up company called Lytro.  Now, I know that there are bunches of companies out there making point-and-shoot cameras, but Lytro's camera is unique in that it allows you to decide which part of the image you want to focus on after you've taken the photo.  The camera has an array of sensors that capture light from a variety of angles, and integrated software then recreates the image with the chosen focal point.  Just think-- no more of those images that you love the feeling and composition of, but just missed the focus on your subject.  Pretty cool, huh?

The camera is scheduled to hit the consumer market later this year in a point-and-shoot format, and could be the next big thing in camera technology.  So, Lytro, if you need more testing done, I'm just on the other edge of Silicon Valley, and would love to try one out!

Happy Thursday!

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